Monday, September 27, 2010

What’s the world coming to? Well, let’s see. The world isn’t interested in intellectuals that have even a modicum of dedication to learning. It’s interested in censorship and mindless piles of so many standardized things that I’ve lost count of them all. The Cookie Monster can no longer eat as many cookies as he wants, because some fat little boy didn’t have enough self-control to keep from stuffing his face full of food. It’s the Cookie Monster, for Christ’s sake. He’s supposed to eat cookies, not greens. That’s not even logical. The real issue here is that we aren’t paying enough attention in the area of cultivating strength of character and strong wills, not what is on television. Why are the brats as insipid as to monkey-see-monkey-do whatever happens on a fictional program, anyway?

The problem is the children not having enough common sense to see what should and shouldn’t be done, to think for themselves. That fault doesn’t lie with television shows. It lies with cuddling and sheltering the child with a degree of overprotectiveness to the point where it creates an overly sensitive fairy. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to protect your child, but doing so to the extent where it becomes debilitating is nonsensical rubbish. Pinning the blame on a fictional children’s program is a cop out, plain and simple. It’s just a way to say, ”Hey, it’s not our fault. Blame the furry blue guy on the tele.”

What’s the excuse for the people that pay enormous tuition fees for college and then don’t take the learning seriously, just going there to party, have sex, and screw around? Oh yes, you most certainly are out there. I know you exist. I know some of you. All of these things can be done at home, anywhere, really, free. Yet so many kids think it’s a good idea to pay, only to end up with a fabulous career flipping hamburgers at McDonald’s, because they didn’t pay attention. The answer is, there is excuse other than being moronic cretins that don’t think things through. You can’t blame that lack of common sense on the Cookie Monster, now, can you?

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